Programmes designed to strengthen a person through a greater level of self-awareness and (importantly) self-acceptance
SRT reduces suicide in New Zealand via 5 main channels:
* “I am Me – I am Worthwhile” kaupapa programmes
* Individual or small groups (ie whānau) Future Focused Therapy counselling sessions
* Support Groups
* An online AI Supporter tool
* "HELP" Toolbox
‘I am Me – I am Worthwhile’ programmes:
Put together a group of compatible people (all male/female, or a mix from work/home/church/community groups, or from similar work environments) and book in for one of our “I am Me – I am Worthwhile” programmes in your area.
Each programme is tailored to fit the group, so yours might involve a quiet stroll through the Botanical Gardens, a hard tramp up a hill, or to go out to one of our partner venues and climb high ropes. But they will all have one thing in common:
One of our trained Facilitators will lead you through a programme of self-discovery and self-acceptance.
You will learn how to proudly list the things you are good at (without feeling embarrassed).
You will also learn how to list the things you are not good at (some people call this things you are ‘bad’ at, but we just think you are not as good at these things as you are at others) without feeling whakama (embarrassed).
When you push through that ‘glass ceiling’ (the thing that is holding you back, but is invisible, that you are free to break through any time you want), you will find your ‘true self’, and be pleased with it (we know that this might be hard to imagine beforehand).
After participating in one of our programmes, you will be able to go on and spend all of your time wondering how you are going to use your natural talents (see Tou Mauri, Ngā taonga tuku iho) to your own best life, and that of the world around you.
Future Focused Therapy
We believe the past has already happened. It can be beneficial (say 10%) to reflect on the past (to better understand why you might feel or react the way you do to certain things), but what is the point of ‘staying’ (100%) in the past?
We have found that counselling that spends all of the time going over and over the past, can leave you more depressed when you come out, than when you went in.
If you were born with a disability or the victim of a crime, while we all feel sorry for you, none of us can change that? You are MUCH better off accepting/understanding your journey through to today (‘accepting’ does not mean you have to ‘like it’) but then dedicating most of your time to what you are going to do with your life going forward.
Say you were born bad at maths – buy a calculator.
Say you were born blind – then [insert your options].
Say you were the victim of a very bad car accident – then [insert your options].
Future Focused Therapy might sound harsh or uncaring, but it is not. There are a whole lot of people that care about you and feel sorry for anything unhappy that has happened in your life.
Future Focused Therapy counselling sessions help you find the best and true options for you when you can’t see them for yourself.
Support Groups
Let’s get honest here! How long can the average person stick to their New Year’s resolution? What about their brand new fancy diet or latest gym membership?
We mean you no disrespect – we just want to get real here 😊
SRT intends run weekly voluntary Support Groups throughout the country where people can go for free (as often as they want) to share in a supportive environment (lead by one of our Facilitators) on how to integrate “I am Me – I am Worthwhile”, and a Future Focus, into their daily lives.
A great way to have a free drink and a bikkie (Kiwi for a ‘chocolate biscuit’) and get the perspective of others on how you can handle a particular situation.
AI Supporter
Alright, our AI Supporter is a ‘chatbot’, but it is not any ordinary one. Since about 2017 ‘conversational AI’ has been progressing to the point where they are now capable of very ‘real world’ natural conversations. As a result, they can now be used for low-level counselling and to provide places where you can ‘vent’, or share anything confidential (a problem shared is a problem halved).
Imagine being able to talk (speech or type) to a [person] of your choice (you select old/young, male/female, nationality and religion) then [they] give you the space to speak completely freely about what’s on your mind?
You can share freely as you know without any doubt the AI Supporter can never tell anyone!
Once your AI Supporter detects you’ve let off enough ‘steam’ they will then start to ask you questions and gently prompt you, “So what are you going to do next?” to help you find your own path and momentum.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from any device or computer, from anywhere in the world, and completely for free! Either login (so you can resume where you left off) or stay unknown to the AI Supporter, while you see if it is for you.
"HELP" Toolbox
As a general rule people really want to help when they are asked or see a need – but what do you say, right?
The HELP Toolbox gives you those tools. From the actual words (usually just of support and caring) through to where to refer people, for help to sort the thing that is upsetting them the most.
In this together right? As a community we can do this!