Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement


Suicide Reduction Trust Ltd (“SRT”, “Us”, “Our” or “We”) is committed to safeguarding the personal information of those with whom We deal, with openness and transparency in compliance with the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020.

The following Privacy Statement (‘Statement’) explains Our privacy practices, as to what information may be collected from you, how such information will be used by Us and/or other persons or entities, with whom such information may be shared, your choices regarding the collection, use and distribution of such information, your ability to access or correct such information and the security procedures that We have implemented to protect your privacy.Privacy Statement

SRT is committed to safeguarding the privacy of individuals who visit the following websites and any other microsites used for fundraising or any other purpose:

SRT understands that personal information should be kept private. This Statement complies with the New Zealand Privacy Principles as contained in the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020, and explains how SRT:

  • Collects personal information
  • Uses and shares your personal information
  • Processes payments
  • Stores personal information
  • Uses cookies
  • May use the Google Analytics service
  • Will not be responsible for personal information collected through linked third-party websites
  • Allows you to access/amend your personal information
  • Provides you with contact for further information.

By using or accessing the website and/or any of SRT services (whether by your mobile phone, tablet, smartphone, PC or any other means), you are deemed to have agreed to be bound by this Statement.Links to other sites and third-party providers

This site, any newsletters or any other communications SRT provides to you may contain links to third party websites. SRT may also use some third-party providers to manage some of our engagement processes and services, such as newsletters, event registrations, and fundraising platforms. Unless expressly stated otherwise, these websites have not been developed by, nor are controlled by SRT. While SRT takes steps to ensure that any providers SRT uses can protect the personal information they process for SRT, there is no implication that SRT checks, endorses, approves or agrees with the privacy practices of the third-party websites linked to. SRT encourages you to be aware when you leave a SRT website and to read the privacy policies of each website you visit.

Links to social network platforms

SRT uses social networking services such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and Instagram to communicate with the public about SRT work, to raise awareness of events and for fundraising campaign purposes. When you communicate with SRT via these services, the social networking service concerned may collect your personal information for its own purposes.

These services may track your use of SRT websites on those pages where their links are displayed. If you are logged in to those services (including any Google service) while using a SRT site, their tracking will be associated with your profile with them.

These services have their own privacy policies/statements which are independent of SRT. They do not have any access to the personal information SRT hold on our systems.

What personal information does SRT collect and why?

The personal information SRT may collect from you directly, or indirectly, includes:

  • Your name
  • Your contact details, including address, email or phone number
  • Financial details if you donate or purchase SRT products and services
  • Any other personal information, including medical, that may form part of an application or enquiry
  • Details of any events you have registered for, including dietary requirements
  • Any questions or comments you submit via SRT social media platforms
  • Your responses to surveys or group discussions
  • Information about your use of SRT website(s).


SRT may collect personal information about you (such as your first and last name, mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address and credit card number), directly from you, when you use the website or interact with social media or digital advertising, over the phone, in person, by letter or email, including when:

  • You complete an application form
  • You register for an event or a delegated third-party registers on your behalf
  • You subscribe to a newsletter or an emailing list
  • You deal with SRT over the telephone
  • You email SRT
  • You provide SRT with feedback
  • You complete online surveys, competitions or enquiry forms
  • You ask SRT to contact you after visiting a SRT website
  • You contact SRT for any other purpose, and SRT provides information or services to you.

SRT will only use and disclose your personal information for the purposes for which it was collected (or otherwise as required or authorised by law). This may include using your personal information for the following purposes:

  • To provide you with products or services and to personalise your experience when browsing the website;
  • To undertake customer service activities, such as responding to any queries, comments or complaints you may have;
  • To administer website services, including processing any searches or requests for information about SRT products or services;
  • To maintain and develop SRT systems, including testing and upgrading them;
  • To enable SRT to monitor, review and improve our services, and communicate with you about them;
  • For SRT administrative purposes and for internal record keeping;
  • To comply with relevant laws and regulations;
  • To anonymise data for use in such a manner that you cannot be identified for purposes such as online advertising / re-marketing, Search & Rescue research, and
  • For any other specific purpose which SRT notifies you of at the time your personal information is collected.

Online advertising, Re-Marketing and Third-Party Tracking

We may use Google Ads, , Facebook, digital advertising networks and other platforms to raise awareness of SRT services, products or educational material related to events, fundraising and education activities, some of which is done through re-marketing.

Lookalike audiences

For marketing or re-marketing purposes, we occasionally use information about our supporters to create ‘lookalike’ or similar audiences of shared interests or similar demographics via these platforms.

Cookies and Analytics

SRT uses cookies and analytics tools on SRT websites to:

  • Allow you to navigate and use key website features
  • Authenticate, and
  • To collect information about how you use the website.

The following information is collected about your use of SRT websites (though please note SRT may associate information with your identity):

  • Your IP address
  • The search terms you used
  • The pages you accessed on SRT websites and the links you clicked on
  • The date and time you visited the site
  • The referring site or social media platform (if any) through which you clicked to the SRT website
  • Your operating system (such as Windows)
  • The device via which you accessed the site (such as mobile, tablet, PC); and
  • Your web browser (such as Chrome or Safari).

A cookie is a small data file that the site sends to your browser, which may then store it on your system for later retrieval by the site. Information supplied by the cookies and session information can help SRT to analyse the profile of our site’s visitors and helps SRT to provide you with a better user experience. They may not track your activity before or after you leave a SRT site.

SRT may use the Google Analytics and other digital advertising tools which may issue cookies from their own servers and which are able to track visitor activity through a SRT website. For more information on how Google Analytics collects and processes data, please here.

For more information on Google’s Privacy Statement click here.

From time to time, SRT may also contact you for market research purposes or to provide you with information about new services, special offers and promotions. This may include information about SRT programmes, research funding, events, donor and fundraising activities. SRT will give you the opportunity to opt out of receiving such direct marketing or market research content.

If you do not want your personal information to be collected, please do not submit it to SRT. Please note that if you elect not to provide certain personal information to SRT, SRT may not be able to provide you with the services or information you require.


Online payments are made securely through payment solutions providers such as Stripe, Windcave, Flo2Cash, and PoliPay. We vet and choose payment providers based on PCI compliance and we rely on them to meet data security obligations.

Does SRT share or disclose personal information?

For the purposes SRT have described, SRT may disclose your personal information:

  • To SRT suppliers (including service and other content providers), contractors, agents and business partners who help SRT administer the website and/or deliver services to you;
  • To SRT professional advisers;
  • Where you have otherwise consented; or
  • As otherwise required or authorised by law.


SRT may also disclose your personal information to anyone who hosts or maintains data centres, service platforms and other infrastructure and systems on behalf of SRT, where your personal information is processed and/or stored.

SRT will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the persons and organisations to whom SRT discloses personal information are bound to protect the privacy of that personal information according to the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020. Please note that some of the persons to whom SRT discloses personal information may be situated outside New Zealand. Our website and systems may also be based on servers located outside of New Zealand.

If you have shared your information with SRT regarding any personal stories relating to services SRT has provided, SRT will only share these stories (in any way, shape or form) unless have restricted  your permission. This includes any images or video footage.

How does SRT protect your personal information? 

SRT takes all reasonable measures to ensure the security of your personal information that is held by SRT from such risks as loss, misuse, unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration and destruction. SRT reminds you, however, that the internet is not a completely secure environment and although all reasonable care is taken, SRT cannot warrant or guarantee the security of information that you provide to SRT via electronic means between you sending it and it being received by SRT.

For how long does SRT hold personal information?

SRT will keep your personal information for only as long as is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected.

Changes to this Privacy Statement

SRT may modify this Statement from time to time and if SRT does so SRT will post any updated Statement on the website. SRT encourages you to check the website periodically to ensure that you are aware of the terms of SRT’s current Statement.

How can you access and correct personal information?

If you wish to access your personal information or if you identify any inaccuracy in your personal information and wish to make a change to, or would like to verify such information, please contact SRT so that we may update SRT records. SRT contact information is set out below. SRT notes that it is not required to provide access to information in certain situations, but if SRT refuses access, SRT will give you our reasons for doing so.

Questions or Comments

If you have any questions or comments about this Statement, or you wish to access or make changes to your personal information, please contact the Privacy Officer of SRT New Zealand:

Phone: (0274) 715 734


Post: The Privacy Officer, Suicide Reduction Trust Ltd, P O Box 172, Pukekohe 2340, Auckland.